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Are pet wellness plans worth it for routine care?

Cat and dog wellness plans are 'packages' that include routine vet care services offered at a discounted rate. Today, our Riverside vets discuss the benefits of wellness plans, and some things to take into consideration.

What is a pet wellness plan?

A pet wellness plan is a program designed to keep your pet healthy and prevent illness through regular check-ups, vaccinations, and preventative care. These services are 'bundled' together for a discounted rate, making it easier for you to stay on top of their pet's healthcare needs. 

What are some benefits of wellness plans over pet insurance?

Having insurance for your pets is essential for every pet owner, but it's important to consider a few factors. Your monthly payments can be significantly affected by factors such as cost, the type of coverage, and the health of your pet when you start the policy.

Furthermore, numerous pet insurance plans do not cover preventive and wellness care, including vet checkups and routine vaccinations. These services are crucial for keeping your pet healthy and preventing expensive procedures and treatments.

Convenience & Budgeting

Wellness Plans offer a convenient package of veterinary services, helping to alleviate financial stress when it comes to bringing your pet in for recommended preventive care services. Wellness Plans allow more pet parents to afford comprehensive veterinary care and avoid expensive treatment costs by choosing this payment option. It also helps prevent undiagnosed, preventable conditions.

  • Can be paid monthly or annually
  • Usually includes discounts on certain products and services
  • Makes budgeting for pet care easier

Customization & Flexibility

At Riverside Animal Hospital, our Wellness Plans cover canine companions and feline friends of all sizes, shapes, and ages. Most wellness plans have options for small, medium, large, XL, and giant dogs, as well as cats, and offer a range of preventive annual and biannual wellness procedures, such as wellness exams, bloodwork, and parasite testing. As your vet team gets to know your cat or dog, they will be able to recommend wellness plans to keep them happy and healthy; and potentially spare your wallet in the long run. 

Senior cats and dogs, new puppies and kittens, and pets with chronic or recurring issues all thrive with regular veterinary care. This includes screenings for early detection, essential preventive vaccinations, and thorough physical examinations, which Wellness Plans can provide.

What do wellness plans cover?

Wellness Plans cover routine veterinary care for your cat or dog including routine exams, parasite prevention medications, annual blood testing, and vaccines.

With Wellness Plans, maintaining and improving the standard of your cat or dog's overall health during their lifetime is made easier by spreading out the cost of routine vet care.

What are some potential downsides of wellness plans?

As with just about any decision, there are some things to keep in mind when it comes to choosing whether a wellness plan is right for you.

Frequency of Use

It may seem counterintuitive to subscribe to a wellness plan for your pet if they are young, healthy, or appear to be in good health. We understand that healthcare decisions are deeply personal and should prioritize the patient's best interests. It is important to consult with a medical professional when making these decisions.

Need for Additional Coverage

It's important to understand the coverage of your vet clinic's wellness plans, just like you should understand the coverage of pet insurance. Wellness Plans aim to offer continuous preventive and wellness care from your veterinary team. However, they do not include coverage for illness, surgery, or other emergency or chronic healthcare needs. To gain more insight into what's best for you and your pet, it's important to have an open and honest discussion with your veterinarian about your pet's needs and your budget.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

To find out more about how Wellness Plans at Riverside Animal Hospital can help your pet maintain long-term health and save your wallet, contact us today. Our vets have you and your pet's best interests in mind!

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